Social Media
Below you can find a list of our global social media channels and what we use them for. You can find all log-ins in our team's g-drive in the communications folder.
OS Global Social Media Channels:
Introducing events and projects of our global community
Sharing all magazine articles, case studies and events from our website
Promoting events and creating "fb events"
Sharing inspiration & new ways for tackling challenges
Using targeting to choose geographical or linguistic audiences
Selected posts are boosted with a limited budget
Introducing events and projects of our global community
Sharing all magazine articles, case studies and events from our website
Promoting events
Sharing inspiration & new ways for tackling challenges
Retweeting relevant content of partners and friends of the network
Sharing our success stories
Only used for the most professionally relevant or business-related content
Sharing all case studies and only selected articles and events from the Website
Capturing events in live-posts and stories
Snapshots from our activities and gatherings
Sharing professional pictures of our events
Last updated