
The Ouishare website was updated in 2018. Below you can find information about the site's features, design choices and practical information on how to use it.

Active members of our community are encouraged to produce and share content through our website. The log-ins for the website can be found in the shared google drive in the communication folder.

Have a look at our guidelines below and reach out to the Global Coms team if you have any questions!

Living Content

There are three main areas with living content that are updated by the community with the support of the Global Coms team:


The OuishareFest page serves as platform and portfolio of all our major event and the subdomain Ouishare Foundation contains information about the Foundation that was launched in 2018.


Our website is accessible in three languages. They can be changed via the tab on the right side at the bottom of the page.

The translations for permanent content (work w / us pages, meet us, our DNA ...) have been entered manually when we set up the new page.

Should you find any errors, you can directly enter the correct translations for Spanish and English in the tool we use (log-ins in the communication folder) or reach out to us via e-mail.

Website FAQ

In our FAQ we tried to answer your most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your question answered there, feel free to reach out to

Last updated