OuiShare Legal Entities
Name | Entity type | Details |
OuiShare France | Association Loi 1901, Intérêt Général (Non-Profit Association) | founded in May 2012 in Paris by Antonin Léonard, Benjamin Tincq, Flore Berlingen, Edwin Mootoosamy |
OuiShare España | Association | founded in 2014 Barcelona |
OuiShare Québec | Association | founded in Montreal |
OuiShare Deutschland | Gemeinnütziger Verein (Non-Profit association) | founded in 2016 in Munich by David Weingartner, Francesca Pick, Sarah Eisenmann, Ulrich Bareth, Conor Trawinski, Thomas Dönnenbrink, Andreas Arnold, Joachim Lohcamp, Antares Reisky |
OuiShare UK | Limited by Guarantee (Non-Profit) | founded in 2016 in London, by Elena Giorli |
OuiShare Foundation | Fonds de Dotation | founded in 2016 in Paris |
OuiShare Experience | SAS (Company) | founded in 2016 in Paris, 100% owned by the OuiShare France Non-Profit |
OuiShare Brasil | Association | founded in 2017 in Rio |
Status 2017
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