OuiShare Legal Entities
Last updated
Last updated
Entity type
OuiShare France
Association Loi 1901, Intérêt Général (Non-Profit Association)
founded in May 2012 in Paris by Antonin Léonard, Benjamin Tincq, Flore Berlingen, Edwin Mootoosamy
OuiShare España
founded in 2014 Barcelona
OuiShare Québec
founded in Montreal
OuiShare Deutschland
Gemeinnütziger Verein (Non-Profit association)
founded in 2016 in Munich by David Weingartner, Francesca Pick, Sarah Eisenmann, Ulrich Bareth, Conor Trawinski, Thomas Dönnenbrink, Andreas Arnold, Joachim Lohcamp, Antares Reisky
OuiShare UK
Limited by Guarantee (Non-Profit)
founded in 2016 in London, by Elena Giorli
OuiShare Foundation
Fonds de Dotation
founded in 2016 in Paris
OuiShare Experience
SAS (Company)
founded in 2016 in Paris, 100% owned by the OuiShare France Non-Profit
OuiShare Brasil
founded in 2017 in Rio
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