Case Studies
How to write a Case Study?
At Ouishare we document the projects we lead for a dual purpose. On the one hand, it allows us to showcase our expertise and the networks that we are in the process of setting up for other organizations. On the other hand, it allows us to reflect on the projects we are executing: in what way do they serve the goals of the Ouishare collective? which unique skills did we utilize to demonstrate our added value? what did we learn from this experience? The case studies are the result of this exercise.
How to decide if a project deserves a case study?
Most of the time you’ll be contacted by the Ouishare Global Coms team but as some projects are out of our scope, you may have to reach out to make sure that content will be produced about your project.
Questions to be asked :
Is it evergreen content? Will it be still interesting to read it in one year ?
Are we proud of this project ?
Is the project aligned with our missions ? (exploring the edges, fostering unexpected and radical collaborations, questioning and experimenting with social models based on collaboration, openness, and fairness, nurturing systemic change)
When do we start the production ?
It is an analysis of the project, not a press release. Ideally, in the month following the end of the project. You should liaise with Hélène who will write the case study.
Writing a Case Study
→ Design & Format
Featured image
Use to find pictures which are abstract and / or artistic. Some examples below.
Images in the article Case studies can be illustrated with pictures related to the project, or graphics if you have any. Use full screen pictures - minimum 700 px large.
Sizes and titles
H1 : titles
H2 : subtitles in articles
H3 : questions in interviews
H4 : context elements (such as This article was translated by XX)
H5 : highlights ( 1 or 2 per article ) - the things that you should absolutely remember
H6 : button (it was created for case studies, but might be useful for the magazine if we want to introduce a downloadable report for example)
Cc : quotes in blue
→ Content
Title It can be a sentence or a question. It’s the burning question behind the project. For this, better ask advice ! Someone who was not involved in the project might be in a better position to say what was interesting about it.
Introduction A quick resume of the article with the main ideas.
Why have we worked on this project?
Why does it make sense ?
Why Ouishare was relevant to work on that ?
How it is related to our missions ?
exploring the edges
fostering unexpected and radical collaborations
questioning and experimenting with social models based on collaboration, openness, and fairness
(one or two sentences might be enough) Content
What was the project about?
What were the expectations of the partner ?
What have you accomplished ?
What was the Ouishare way ?
Which methodology have you used ?
How did you question the original demand ?
What was the added value of Ouishare ?
What are the key learnings of this project?
The what (if relevant) + the How
What are the key learnings of the project (if relevant) ?
What have you learned on the way?
What were the 3 challenges of the project ?
Raise money, find partners, define your proposal….
And how did you face them?
What have you implemented to overcome those challenges?
Quotes You can add one or two quotes to your articles. This might be very helpful to illustrate some points such as key learning or the Ouishare way. It can also be seen as a bonus. 4 sentences is a maximum.
Signature We suggest to always choose Ouishare as an author. Yet, feel free to add a contact email at the end of the article.
Partners Feel free to drop the names of all the partners you’ve worked with on the projects. We won’t allow any logos there, nor promotion for any organisation. Case studies can’t be a compensation dealt in a partnership.
→ Length and tone of voice
Case Studies should be no longer than 10 000 characters / 2000 words (around 3 pages Word).
It’s a story told but still very formal. Use a neutral tone, don’t give your personal opinion on what happened.
Last updated