Editorial guidelines

Lire la charte éditoriale en français.

The editorial validation process varies according to the type of contributor.

Occasional contributors

  • Contact us via editors@ouishare.net

  • Contributors make the pitch of the article they propose

  • A person from the editorial team takes the lead on the proposal

  • Exchange and formalisation/validation of the angle of the article (=> may lead to refusal if no agreement)

  • If agreed, send guidelines to contributors

  • Sending a first draft (on google doc or other similar tool - no attachments)

  • Feedback and improvements (by email or phone)

  • Editing of the paper by the member of the editorial team on the back office

  • Proofreading by a second person

  • Publication of the article

Regular contributors

When contributors publish regularly, they become "regular contributors", and as such, can access the site's back office.

The process is as follows:

● Sharing paper via google doc

● Proofreading and correction by the editorial team

● Possible feedback

● Publication of the article on the back office of the site - notification to editors@ouishare.net and tick "save as a draft" on the back office

● Ultimate proofreading by a second person and publication

External Contributors

We do occasionally accept to publish article from external contributors as long as :

● They are well written

● They do not include marketing content

● They haven’t been previously been published anywhere else

Please get in touch or submit your proposal to editors@ouishare.net

Contributors' Charter


All writers take full responsibility for their writings and all other forms of expression.


Editors refuse to be influenced in the writing of their articles, refuse any form of censorship and are free to express themselves in accordance with the rules. They shall refrain from accepting any benefit in kind and undertake to refuse any type of "sponsored ticket".


An editor undertakes to publish only verified information. He also undertakes to modify any incorrect article as soon as he becomes aware of it reports by mentioning the update of the article.

Right of interviewees to control their image

Testimonies must be collected with full knowledge of the purpose of the article by the interviewee. If the person does not have authority to give testimony that commits his or her organization, this must be specified, or the written consent to publication must be obtained from the competent authorities. Interviewees are entitled to have their testimony reviewed before publication. However, any modification must be made with the author's agreement.

Correction and modifications by the editorial team

The contributor agrees that his article may be corrected and modified in form by the editorial department. He also understands that the editorial department may refuse his article if it considers the quality of the article insufficient. He undertakes to take into account the comments of the editorial team and to rework his article if necessary.

Role of the editorial team

  • Validate articles that have been published

  • Proofread articles, and correct spelling and syntax.

  • Ensure the coherence of the subject and the clarity of the message broadcast

To do this, the editorial team is in charge of finding a suitable and attractive title for the article, to write an effective excerpt while respecting the author's thought.


To be published on Ouishare magazine, the contributor must respect the editorial line of the site as well as the following guidelines.

Checklist for contributors

An article or interview must include:

  • An excerpt : a short introductory text that makes you want to read (3-4 lines max) the article or in the case of an interview, that presents the interviewee and the main themes of the interview.

  • Subtitles in the article, to distinguish the different ideas

  • Videos/images if relevant (text width: 700 pix)

  • Suggest a cover image (format: 16:9 or 2:1 ratio - w1280 - Please keep image under 400ko (use tinypng.com if necessary))

  • Mention of licenses (open) and credits for images (with link to the original)

The editorial team is responsible for:

  • Rewrite the excerpt if necessary

  • Suggest titles

  • Extract sentences that will be highlighted

  • Help to find a suitable cover image

When should you publish on Medium instead of Ouishare magazine?

On the Ouishare magazine, there are three formats of content we are likely to publish :

  • interviews with enlightened people from our wider network

  • opinion articles

  • stories of the Ouishare community in the section Inside Ouishare (announcing the programme of an event, sharing an event report, sharing projects...)

Medium is more suitable if you'd like to:

  • tell a story of your own experience (related or not to Ouishare)

  • express your views using "I"

For other formats such as (photo) report, news, you may have to think of another media.

Last updated